Sunday 2 January 2022

Habits 1

My low spend challenge was probably not my best idea for November/December.  Would you mind if I just say I failed?  

I have a special habit which I indulge in at this time of the year.  It's unsubscribing!  No, I'm not planning on stopping following anyone's blog, but I have taken my name off all sorts of mailing lists.

Whenever I buy something on-line the various companies take that as permission to send me invitations to buy more and more stuff.  Special offers.  Money off.  Great value for money.  All very tempting but what it all boils down to is they want to part me from my money!  Well, as far as I am concerned I prefer money to be in my bank account rather than theirs.

When  I want something I look around and find it and then leave it in the basket for a day or two while I think about it.  As often as not the company will then offer me an incentive to buy - money off, free delivery, whatever.  I also give myself thinking time to see if that is what I really want.  Mailing lists are a way of getting us to shop without thinking.

One word of warning: if you come across a scam e mailer it is better to consign the email to junk or spam - if you "unsubscribe" you will simply confirming that you are really there  when they have been phishing.  


  1. It seems I do not have to buy anything, just open the site, and I get more and more emails and temptations from the company. However, they are not temptations to me, just annoying. I do send to spam. When I have 75 new emails, and I am only interested in maybe one or two, it makes me see red!

  2. I've gone through my emails and got rid of loads, far too many everyday. I am a follower of popping something into basket and closing the website, I often get free delivery using that method. But as I hope to have another year on not purchasing much stuff we don't need, it won't happen so often.

    1. Yes, it can feel like a full time job getting rid of them, but it may be worth it just t get rid of the temptation.

  3. I am sorry you think you failed. I know you'll do better in the next attempt. I will be making a concerted effort to organize lists of household and pet supplies before buying so that I purchase less often. I am also organizing my hall closet which is used for supplies and food pantry. Best in the new year to you.

    1. I definitely failed! However, like you I have now got better organised cupboards and hope to be a better organised me.

  4. Let's call it that you were short of your goals. Failure is such a harsh word. I delete with abandon but perhaps should mark as spam instead.

    1. The goal was nowhere in sight! However, the only real failure would be to give up on myself and stop trying.

  5. I usually delete and mark those offers as spam right away. Still it is amazing how many one gets.

    You are so right never, ever stop trying.

    God bless.

    1. Often I just delete but the New Year reminds me to have a deleting session

  6. I have to do this on a regular basis as well. It is sad when I get more trash mail than real mail! But that is the same in the snail mail category as well.

    1. You are more organised than me. All too often I just delete.

  7. I'm sure you can do better at your challenges this year so don't give up. You have made a good start by deleting the rubbish emails. At the moment I'm even deleting ones from sites I love to take away temptation 😉

    1. Yes, relieving oneself f temptation makes living below one's means So much easier!

  8. Shopping online is so VERY easy. The job from which I retired on Dec. 31st was purchasing curriculum online for homeschool students using government funding. The purchasing is just so very easy and especially fun spending someone else's money to do it. My work email address was inundated with spam/junk mail and I had to check through those daily to make sure no receipts were caught up among the junk. Our techie boys put fabulous junk catcher filters on all of our accounts but still an amazing amount of junk got through. The techie boys top advice was to delete browser history regularly.

    1. I'd forgotten about deleting browser history - I'll do that now.
