Friday, 19 July 2019

Never let it be said . . .

. . . that I overburden you with reading on this blog!

I have two blogs, this one and Trundling Through Life.  Over on TTL I write about how I see the world and how  I try to make sure that my eyes see what is good and kind in the world around me.

This blog though, is supposed to be about frugality, decluttering and similar themes.  When I first came to Blogland there seemed to be a lot of blogs but many of them have disappeared over the years.  I really miss "Frugal Queen", "Frugal in Essex", "Bonnie the frugal apprentice" and "Baroness Prudent Spending" among many others.  Others have appeared but I rather miss the old favourites

I wonder if they had the same problem as I do - what on earth can I write about?  Frugality is a bit repetitive.  Frugal Queen included her faggots recipe many, many times.  Others write about soup, car boot finds or yellow sticker shopping or the wonders of home grown produce - whatever their speciality happens to be.  It's a case of more of the same - is that why bloggers run out of steam? 


  1. I think Frugal Queen worked very hard, paid off all her debts, and bought a property in France. She had a lot of trolls who resented that and so stopped blogging.

    1. I've looked at her Facebook page many times and I can quite understand why she stopped blogging but I wish she'd left her blog (closing comments) even though she no longer posted. It was inspirational and I think that over the years she helped a lot of people.

    2. Yes, I agree completely with what you say. I follow her on Twitter now

  2. I think we all hit spots when what we are doing is just boring or repetitive, I often then post garden photo's.

    1. I think that many of us do similar things - since becoming ill in January, life is a little slower for me, and I am sure my blog has been affected. Photos of my garden would just put people off - I am not good at growing things!

    2. Poppypatchwork and Tracingrainbows are both great blogs for posting every day. Thank you both!

  3. If I like the voice of the blog, I don't care if it is repetitive.

    1. That's a good phrase, "the voice of the blog". I like it!

  4. I'm formally Frugal in Essex and yes it can be repetitive because it's your way if life. But by sharing info and our day today struggles we might help people. Yes I closed down my blog because I couldn't give it the attention it deserved. Frugal Queen is available of facebook and writes about living in France. They are just about to move into their 2nd property. France is expensive so she is well equipped to make money go further. X

    1. I really miss your blog and your monthly spending posts.

    2. I really miss you Frugal in Essex. It was your blog that inspired me to "practice living on the pension" and now in 8 weeks I will actually retire. I wish you were back in blogland as I really appreciated your inspiration

  5. I know what you mean. Frugality is repetitive, but I am trying to add some new "habits" to try and alleviate that problem. It is hard because it takes time and I am finding that some of the new things just don't suit our lifestyle at the moment.

    Showing pictures of garden right now as being frugal or crafty is taking a bit of a hiatus.

    Just keep on doing what you are doing and soon things pop into your head to write or "talk" about.

    God bless.

    1. Frugality is very repetitive and maybe repetitiveness on a blog is in itself helpful to someone who is newly trying to be more thrifty. I know when I first started on this route I found it fun and then found it boring. Now it's both for me. Anyone trying to be frugal needs to know that fun and boredom are both part of the journey.

  6. I understand what you are saying - why not combine the two blogs and just write about what inspires you. Some days it could be about frugality - some days it could be about one of your trips or your decluttering. You shouldn't feel pressured to come up with something.

    I got a lot from Frugal Queen up until about her last year - and no, I don't resent the fact that she can now afford a lot more - she worked very hard, inspired a lot of people and deserves her reward. I know that she had trouble with trolls but more and more she seemed to lose patience with even the most innocuous comments or questions. I also think that she could have bowed out gracefully and left her archives to inspire others instead of just suddenly disappearing.

    May I suggest an interesting one from a woman in the US known as "The Prudent Homemaker" - she has a great archive, does beautiful photography and is truly frugal - while still seeing the beauty in every day life. She posts each Monday and gets over 100 comments - and people respond to each other - it is a real community.

    1. Thank you for all that, Margie.

      I'm keeping both blogs going because I find the separation helpful to me. I have occasionally put a blog on hold (but told my readers that it is on hold) and may do so again.

      I used to read The Prudent Homemaker - thanks for the reminder. I'll trot over there again.
