Wednesday 6 January 2021

Cook once, twice, thrice

 Cooking for one can be a dispiriting experience, or it can be fun, calling on extra creativity.

On Sunday I decided to have roast vegetables with my pork chop.  I roasted carrots, parsnips, onions and sweet potatoes but also cooked baby carrots and broccoli from the garden.

There was, of course, far too much so Monday the I cooked Bubble and Squeak, using half the leftovers but all the remaining broccoli.

Tuesday the other half became soup.  I'd planned it this way and as I don't like leafy sprouting broccoli in my root vegetable soup I was glad I'd used the leftover broccoli on Monday.  

And there's a bowl of soup left for today.

I think tomorrow I may need to cook again!


  1. Sounds a perfect way to keep yourself eating good food.

  2. I often eat for three days or four and feel the same way--looks like I may need to cook again. But, I love cooking more so the two of us can eat for days.

  3. I often do that, both Gerard and I are a great fan of bubble and squeak.

  4. I must make some soup, I bought lots of part baked rolls ready for family at Christmas but then it never happened.

  5. Good idea, we like bubble and squeak too. Soup can hold\hide all sorts of veg.

  6. Great work. I call this planned leftovers and it keeps us from leaving anything go to waste.

    God bless.
