Sunday 1 November 2020


 This has been a year like no other!  None of us could have predicted the turn of events, no-one could have foreseen the problems to be faced.

You probably think I'm talking about the pandemic and indeed I could be, but actually I'm talking about budgetting.  No two years are ever the same, we will always have unforeseen expenditure, there will always be problems.

Since January I have had to buy a new freezer (£430), a laptop (£570), a fridge (£320), a (refurbished) iPhone (£234), blinds (£505), major repairs to my mobility scooter (£600) as well as the usual round of car servicing and repairs, appliance maintenance etc.  I make that £2659.  

But it will ever be thus.  The fridge and freezer should be good for many years now but the dishwasher is twelve years old and the tumble dryer over twenty years.  My car could need major repairs, my mobility scooter will eventually need replacing or any number of other emergencies could arise.  My pension income is assured but since March I have been unable to earn the fees which normally put a generous coating of jam on the bread.  Fortunately I have made savings by not going out, hardly moving my car and generally cutting back.

I am so glad that I budget properly.  I also track rigorously so I can work out how to cut down and can see the result of my economies.   


  1. IT is a challenge when extra money that was part of living expenses is not avaialble, but as you said, hopefully the saving sin other areas offsets. We've had to adjust to my husbands insecrurity on earnings form month to month, so far not as bad as it could have been, bu tlikley to get worse as the pandemic impact continues. We too are cutting back in so mnay ways.

  2. This is the situation for so many. My income dropped unexpectedly by 70% six years ago when we moved to Dorset, and we had to make some careful adjustments to the budget(fortunately a decrease in regular outgoings helped). As you say, less jam on the bread. But we still have bread. But it was ever thus, and I've learned and lived by thrifty ways all my life. I'm so concerned for young families right now who find themselves overcommitted and under resourced.

  3. Firstly, well done on your budgeting, you do seem to have had a particularly hefty repair or replace year. This is what a lot of people are facing at the moment and I feel for them as I remember all too well when my husband lost his job, interest rates were high and shopping with a few shillings in my purse. The shop weigh and save was great because I could weigh out small amounts to tide me over until pay day.

  4. When it rains it pours, right? You had quite a few expenses. Good for you for doing what you can to be prepared.

  5. I have had those seasons of replacing and repairing. It's rough.

  6. We have had those years where things seem to break down one after another. Hopefully you are set for awhile now.

    God bless.
