Sunday 3 November 2019

Replenishing where necessary

The last grocery shopping I did was on 23rd October, so ten days ago.  I could probably continue without but this isn't a no-spend month, just a low-spend month with £34 to last me from 28th October to 30th November. 

My focus is on my vegetable intake.  Today I chopped the last of my cucumber, peppers, celery and tomatoes to make a chopped salad, something which I eat regularly.  I've still got one leek as well as onions, carrots, parsnips and potatoes.  There's also red and green cabbage so I can concentrate on saladings.

I also needed eggs and cheddar cheese.  I'm doing egg fried rice this evening which will leave me with just one egg  and I have no cheddar at all.  I've got Stilton but I don't like that on baked potatoes and I think that jacket spuds are one of the mainstays of a frugal diet. 

So, armed with a strict list I called at Tesco and bought tomatoes (.49) celery (.50) cheese (2.25) cucumber (.60) peppers (.91) and eggs (.84).  Total £5.59.  I also treated myself to some grapes which had been reduced to .48 so grand total £6.07.  My budget is now £27.93.


  1. I too need to concentrate on more veggies in the diet. A good chopped salad is a lovely thing for a meal.

  2. It's good to find a bargain when stretching the budget. Im leaving my shop till after Tuesday, possibly a late shop to see if I can pick up some yellow stickers.

  3. You got great bargains on those veggies.

    God bless.

  4. I am lucky as I have a good fruit and veg intake as I buy lots of yellow stickers.

    1. You are very lucky - I get the odd few but my nearest supermarket is a 19 mile round trip away so I can't make special trips over and above my normal weekly visits. Sometimes I get a wonky veg box from Lidl when I go.
