Saturday 18 November 2023

Sam Vimes Boots

You probably know about boot theory: that people in poverty have to buy cheap products that need to be replaced repeatedly, proving more expensive in the long run than more expensive item.  Put more simply it's buy cheap and you need to buy twice (or even more!).  I am able to set money aside to save me money long term, eg I bought an air fryer and thus save on energy costs, but others can't afford that investment.  

Although I try to be frugal, my frugality is by choice.  I have a fair income (state and occupational pensions) and my needs are modest.  I am aware that there are many who have to choose between heating and eating.  There are parents who go hungry to feed their children.  There are many for whom Christmas is a time to dread.  Frugality is not a choice but a life sentence. 

My frugality is about getting value for money rather than getting the cheapest possible.  It's also about avoiding waste as a matter of principle.  It's about mindfully using my money, possessions, skills and time.  

All this is to explain why I have been AWOL from this blog for such a long time.  I have decided to return but I want to be open and say that I can write only about the frugality which applies to me and the choices I can make.  I have more money than many but disability costs me dearly.  

I take my hat off to those who have far less choices and still live a glorious life.  



  1. Nice to have you back. I am like you, I am frugal because I want to make choices that are good for my family and good for the environment. There was a time I needed to be frugal just to keep a roof over our heads, clothing on our back, and food on the table. Those things have never been forgotten and I am so thankful for what I now have.

    God bless.
