Tuesday, 18 August 2015

MOOCs again

I was quite surprised that my commenters hadn't heard of MOOCs and I thought it might be helpful to be a bit more specific about places to find them.

My own usual portal is https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/categories.  Courses on this site are mostly offered by British Universities although there are a few others.  The course I mentioned, "Managing my money" is offered by the Open University and shown on the FutureLearn site. Students are not necessarily UK based - "Nutrition and Wellbeing" which I have just started has students from Australia and New Zealand and doubtless many other countries but it is offered by the University of Aberdeen.

https://www.coursera.org/ is an American based site but trails courses from all over the world - the list of institutions is truly impressive.

MOOCs are also offered for professional development so don't be put off if the first course you click on looks too hard or specialised for you.  The various sites cater for all sorts of people and your only real probem is deciding what to do first.

These are high quality courses which, amazingly, are free to use.  You won't qualify as a brain surgeon but you will find out more about our world.


  1. Thanks FC. I had looked at these courses once before but on a different site. This one has lots of courses that look interesting. As a result, I have started a course on Cancer in the 21st Century this evening and my husband has signed up to do two courses later this year. If nothing else, I have learned how to do much better Google searches from my on-line librarian. Thank you so much for linking to this - we have been inspired!

    1. And thank you for letting me know it was helpful. Which site had you used?

    2. I think it might have been coursera before; we liked that so many of the futurelearn courses are offered by Uk universities (though there is no real reason why this should make a difference!).

  2. I heard the concept and thought it might be a winter committment. Thank you for the suggestion.

  3. I hadn't heard of these courses either? I always doubt my ability to concentrate well enough to participate in things like this - but I will certainly have a look and might surprise myself.

    1. You can take as long as it takes for most of them. There's no-one around checking up on you and you work at your own speed. I can recommend them!

  4. Thank you for posting this information on your blog. It certainly sounds interesting and I think I will look into it. Have a blessed day.
