Saturday, 14 October 2017

It's the little things

Yes, it was more than a little crazy to have two rooms decorated at once.  The problem is, I can't do it myself so I have to "get a man in".   It is cheaper to get him in once to do two rooms than to get him here twice.  

I need help with quite a few jobs (not just decorating) which a non-disabled person would do easily, which means I have to be careful with my cash.

Last year I was very happy with my water bill, especially when I compared my consumption to the national average for a single person household at  The UK average this year is 66 cubic metres  with 45 cubic metres per annum being considered low.    My consumption was 25 cubic metres and I really don't know how I did it.  I have needed next-to-no water for the garden this year (I have to use a hosepipe as I'm not safe carrying buckets).  I am naturally careful with water.  I keep a jug by the kettle and boil only what I need.  I take navy showers  and never take a bath.  I'm careful in my usage of the washing machine and dishwasher.  I've got a water filled bottle in the cistern.  However my house is clean, I don't go thirsty and (as far as I know) I don't pong!

These seem such small things though.  But they do show that small things add up.  Next year I shall pay £7 per month less for water.

And I could have wept at the amount of water which the plumber had to drain off before replacing the tank!


  1. My husband and I use on average 28-30 cubic metres per 6 months. We are careful with water and we grow a fair bit. So I'm glad we are still keeping it below average but I'm adding more rain butts to help. I still put washing up water on the plants.

    1. I wish I could carry water safely but I can't. i think I must be more than a little odd - I look at other people's rain butts and feel envious!

  2. But how awful it would have been if that tank had burst. What a blessing that it was discovered.

    1. Absolutely. I had a little chunter at the inconvenience. I think that if it had burst I would have wept!

  3. We all should conserve water, as with other natural resources so many people think they are limitless. Then as the byproduct you save money.

    1. Good point, Marlene. Green is very often thrifty.
