Thursday 7 November 2019

Creeping treats

Today has needed more thinking and more creativity than I have used so far this month.  Using up stuff in the fridge may be boring but it doesn't need much thought!

First of all I love breakfast.  I would go so far as to say it's my favourite meal of the day.  However, my breakfast choices maybe wouldn't be for everyone.  Forget, cereal, marmalade on toast, porridge - I like interesting flavours and a great variety to start my day.  Breakfast might be apple and peanut butter, beetroot and Stilton, spinach and eggs, or tomatoes and feta - I've got about twenty breakfast choices - but it's usually a protein and some fruit or veg.  

Today I had the last portion of my favourite yoghurt with some fruit.  My favourite is Greek yoghurt from Lidl.  Over the past few months the price has fluctuated between £1.34 and £1.49 a kilo and it is lovely.  

When I ate my breakfast today I had the last portion with some stewed fruit so I needed to decide whether to put it on my shopping list and I have reluctantly decided "No".  Before I discovered it I was quite happy with home-made yoghurt with the occasional carton from the supermarket as a treat.  What was once a treat has become  regular thing but for this month I shall just make my own using a sachet of culture which I still had and which is still in date.  (I've tried using the Lidl one as a culture before and it didn't come true to type.)  I shall freeze some to use as culture next time I need some.

Another home made goodie which I am reviving today is home made bread.  This is very risky as I have a habit of making lovely bread and then eating far more of it than is good for me!


  1. I'm not sure why breakfast food is breakfast food and why time of day ever mattered. Most cultures eat the same kind of food, and are thankful for it, all meals. Eat what you like and enjoy the savings of using up your stocks. You remind me I have palin yogurt that needs suing up.

  2. I need to start baking more bread as well. Not that we manage to go through lots (just bought 6 loaves and popped them in the freezer yesterday) or that it saves us cash (which it does) but because I know exactly what is in it.

    We often have breakfast for supper (well at least once a month) which the two of us quite enjoy.

    God bless.

  3. I have made yogurt using store-bought for the starter. There is a reason for homemade to fail, but I forgot what it was. I love yogurt. I love home-baked bread more. It is best I not make any and eat little of what I do buy.

  4. I meant to say that I eat what I want for breakfast. I don't pay attention to what I "should" eat. One day, a friend came over and I took my bowl of breakfast and walked around eating. Finally, she asked what I was eating. "Crowder peas!" I do that all the time. I am on a cereal jag right now.

  5. Home made bread is yummy, we make a loaf twice a week. I stopped getting yogurt months ago, as I was fed up with the amount of plastic pots we were throwing away.

  6. Bread is my kryptonite. I love it, I could live on bread and butter, toast and butter. I'd love to start making my own again but it would be detrimental to my weight!

  7. In tidying my house for sale I rediscovered my bread maker but am nobly resisting so that the weight continues to track down:)
