It wouldn't be a bargain if I didn't use it! I always determine to use every usable scrap. I've very occasionally has the odd item which was beyond being used but that is rare and certainly everything this time was great.
The leeks I gave away. I have leeks in my garden and a nagging gardener called Jack. 'Nuff said.
I also gave away the satsumas. I have loads of satsumas at the moment.
The Brussels sprouts have been prepped, blanched and frozen. To be honest I like them better fresh but they are OK frozen and no way will I waste them.
The peppers were superb and are in the fridge to use during the week.
The pak choi was stir fried with some of the mushrooms and peppers and a few other things for my lunch today.
The potatoes are now in my light-proof potato bag in the root veg box. They will be used over the next few days.
The aubergine will keep a few days and will be used with tomatoes, onions and feta cheese as an aubergine bake on Saturday.
The apples went into the fruit bowl
And the grapes have disappeared. Can't imagine where!